viernes, 8 de febrero de 2019


Andrés Rojas: I'm 17 years old, I was born in Bogotá D.C. I live with my mother, my father and my brother. I study in the LaSalle University, I'm second semestry in Bachelor's in spanish and languages. I like the sports as football, american football, tennis, basketball. I have a cat and a dog. I like to play the guitar. I like rock music, indie music and music of the 80's as Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Ramones, Eric Clapton, Michael Jackson, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Nirvana, Green Day, The Killers, The Strokes, Cage the Elephant, etc. My favorites bands are Coldplay, U2, The Beatles, Arctic Monkeys and Oasis. My favorites singers are Bruno Mars and TheWeeknd. I practice football and I like watch sports in T.V. I like the books by Mario Mendoza, he's my favorite writer. My favorite book in spanish is "Escalera al cielo" by Mario Medoza and my favorite book in english is "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen. I like the political science of Colombia. I want write a book because I like write stories.

Julián Cruz: Hi, my name is Julian, I'm 18 years old, im a student in LaSalle University, I'm studing Bachelor's in spanish and languages. I'd like to be a greath teacher in the future, I like sports in special the soccer, I like the horror material (movies, books, stories, etc), I love the music (i don't have preferences about my favorite genre in the music), my favorite singer is Michael Jackson and my favorite group is Guns N' Roses. I live with my mother and my little sister.

Natalia Márquez: I'm 18 years old. I live with my parents and sisters. I study bachelor in spanish and foregin language in La Salle University, i’m in second semester. I have a three dogs. I like a rock music and classical music. I like to play the violin and now i'm learning to play the piano. I like books about history as "La Esperanza es la Última en Morir" by Halina Birenbaum and my favorite book about love is "Las cosas que no nos dijimos" by Marc Levy.                                                                                                                                       

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